Nocturnal foraging activity by the lizard Ameiva ameiva (Squamata: Teiidae) under artificial light
artificial illumination, Cerrado, foraging activity, light pollution, opportunistic feeding, urbanizationReferences
Afsar M, Sahin MK, Afsar B, Çiçek K, Tok CV (2018) Data on nocturnal activity of Darevskia rudis (Bedriaga, 1886) (Sauria: Lacertidae) in central black sea region, Turkey. Ecologica Montenegrina 19:125-129
Avila LJ, Morando M (2015) Liolaemus tenuis tenuis (Slender Jewel Lizard). Nocturnal activity. Herpetological Review 46:631
Baker J (1990) Toad aggregations under street lamps. British Herpetological Society Bulletin 31:26-27
Böhme W (2005) Agama agama (Linnaeus, 1758), red-head-ed rock agama, nocturnal activity. African Herp News 38:20-21
Bowersox SR, Calderón S, Cisper G, Garcia RS, Huntington C, Lathrop A, Lenhart L, Parmerlee Jr. JS, Powell R, Queral A., Smith DD, Powell SP, Zippel KC (1994) Miscellaneous natural history notes on amphibians and reptiles from the Dominican Republic. Bulletin of the Chicago Herpetological Society 29:54-55
Brown TW, Arrivillaga C (2017) Nocturnal activity facilitated by artificial lighting in the diurnal Norops sagrei (Squamata: Dactyloidae) on Isla de Flores, Guatemala. Mesoamerican Herpetology 4:637-639
Carretero MA, Sillero N, Lazić MM, Crnobrnja-Isailović J (2012) Nocturnal activity in a Serbian population of Podarcis muralis (Laurenti, 1768). Herpetozoa 25:87-89.
Czarnecka M, Kakareko T, Jermacz Ł, Pawlak R, Kobak J (2019) Combined effects of nocturnal exposure to artificial light and habitat complexity on fish foraging. Science of the Total Environment 684:14-22
Dixon JR, Soini P (1975) The reptiles of the upper Amazon basin, Iquitos region, Peru. I. Lizards and amphisbaenians. Milwaukee Public Museum Contributions in Biology and Geology 4:1-58
Garber SD (1978) Opportunistic feeding behavior of Anolis cristatellus (Iguanidae: Reptilia) in Puerto Rico. Transactions of the Kansas Academy of Sciences 81:79-80
García G, Vences M (2002) Natural history: Phelsuma madagascariensis kochi (Madagascar day gecko). Diet. Herpetological Review 33:53-54
Gaston KJ, Bennie J (2014) Demographic effects of artificial nighttime lighting on animal populations. Environmental Reviews 22:323-330
Gaston KJ, Visser ME, Hölker F (2015) The biological impacts of artificial light at night: the research challenge. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 370:20140133
Güneralp B, McDonald RI, Fragkias M, Goodness J, Marcotullio PJ, Seto KC (2013) Urbanization forecasts, effects on land use, biodiversity, and ecosystem services. In: Elmqvist T, Fragkias M, Goodness J, Güneralp B, Marcotullio PJ, McDonald RI, Parnell S, Schewenius M, Sendstad M, Seto KC, Wilkinson C (eds) Urbanization, biodiversity and ecosystem services: Challenges and opportunities. Springer, Dordrecht, pp 437-452
Henderson RW, Powell R (2001) Responses by the West Indian herpetofauna to human-influenced resources. Caribbean Journal of Science 37:41-54
Hodge KV, Cenksy EJ, Powell R (2003) The reptiles and amphibians of Anguilla, British West Indies. Anguilla National Trust, The Valley
Hoogmoed MS, de Avila-Pires TCS (1989) Observations on the nocturnal activity of lizards in a marshy area in Serra do Navio, Brazil. Tropical Zoology 2:165-173
Hölker F, Wolter C, Perkin EK, Tockner K (2010) Light pollution as a biodiversity threat. Trends in Ecology & Evolution 25:681-682
Howard KG, Parmerlee Jr JS, Powell R (2001) Natural history of the edificarian geckos Hemidactylus mabouia, Thecadactylus rapicauda, and Sphaerodactylus sputator on Anguilla. Caribbean Journal of Science 37:285-288.
Ibáñez R, Jaramillo C, Gutiérrez-Cárdenas P, Rivas G, Caicedo J, Kacoliris F, Pelegrin N (2019) Ameiva ameiva. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2019: Last access: 12 December 2019
Longcore T, Rich C (2004) Ecological light pollution. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 2:191-198
Maurer AS, Thawley CJ, Fireman AL, Giery ST, Stroud JT (2019) Nocturnal activity of Antiguan lizards under artificial light. Herpetological Conservation & Biology 14:105-110
McCoid MJ, Hensley RA (1993) Shifts in activity patterns in lizards. Herpetological Review 24:87-88
Meshaka WE Jr, Butterfield BP, Hauge JB (2004) The exotic amphibians and reptiles of Florida. Krieger, Malabar
Oda FH, Bastos RP, Lima MACS (2009) Taxocenose de anfíbios anuros no Cerrado do Alto Tocantins, Niquelândia, estado de Goiás: diversidade, distribuição local e sazonalidade. Biota Neotropica 9:219-232
Oda FH, Ávila RW, Drummond LO, Santos DL, Gambale PG, Guerra V, Vieira RRS, Vasconcelos TS, Bastos RP, Nomura F (2017) Reptile surveys reveal high species richness in areas recovering from mining activity in the Brazilian Cerrado. Biologia 72: 1194-1210
Owens ACS, Lewis SM (2018) The impact of artificial light at night on nocturnal insects: A review and synthesis. Ecology and Evolution 8:11337-11358
Pauchard A, Aguayo M, Peña E, Urrutia R (2006) Multiple effects of urbanization on the biodiversity of developing countries: The case of a fast-growing metropolitan area (Concepción, Chile). Biological Conservation 127:272-281
Pauwels OSG, Burger M, Guimondou S, Branch WR (2004) Red-headed rock agama: nocturnal activity. African Herp News 37:20-21
Perry G, Fisher RN (2006) Night lights and reptiles: observed and potential effects. In: Rich C, Longcore T (eds) Ecological consequences of artificial night lighting. Island Press, Washington, pp 169-191
Perry G, Buchanan BW, Fisher RN, Salmon M, Wise SE (2008) Effects of artificial night lighting on amphibians and reptiles in urban environments. In: Mitchell JC, Jung-Brown RE, Bartholomew B (eds) Herpetological Conservation, vol. 3. Society for the Study of Amphibians and Reptiles, Salt Lake City, pp 239-256
Piano E, Souffreau C, Merckx T, Baardsen LF, Backeljau T, Bonte D, Brans KI, Cours M, Dahirel M, Debortoli N, Decaestecker E, De Wolf K, Engelen JMT, Fontaneto D, Gianuca AT, Govaert L, Hanashiro FTT, Higuti J, Lens L, Martens K, Matheve H, Matthysen E, Pinseel E, Sablon R, Schön I, Stoks R, Van Doninck K, Van Dyck H, Vanormelingen P, Van Wichelen J, Vyverman W, De Meester L, Hendrickx F (2019) Urbanization drives cross‐taxon declines in abundance and diversity at multiple spatial scales. Global Change Biology (in press)
Powell R, Henderson RW (1992) Natural history: Anolis gingivinus (NCN) Nocturnal activity. Herpetological Review 23:117
Powell R, Henderson RW, Parmerlee JS Jr (2005) The reptiles and amphibians of the Dutch Caribbean; St. Eustacius, Saba, and St. Maarten. St. Eustacius National Parks Foundation, St. Eustacius, Netherlands Antilles
Quesnel VC, Seifan T, Werner N, Werner YL (2002) Field and captivity observations on Gonatodes vittatus (Reptilia: Gekkonomorpha: Sphaerodactylini) in Trinidad and Tobago. Living World, Journal of the Trinidad and Tobago Field Naturalists’ Club 2002:8-18.
Raya-Garcia E (2014) Phrynosoma asio (Giant Horned Lizard) Crepuscular and nocturnal activity. Herpetological Review 45:330-330
Rich C, Longcore T (2006) Ecological consequences of artificial night lighting. Island Press, Washington
Schwartz A, Henderson RW (1991) Amphibians and reptiles of the West Indies: Descriptions, distributions, and natural history. University of Florida Press, Gainesvilleuhum
Simmons PM, Greene BT, Williamson KE, Powell R, Parmerlee Jr. JS (2005) Ecological interactions within a lizard community on Grenada. Herpetologica 61:124-134
Stroud JT, Giery ST (2013) Anolis equestris (Cuban Knight Anole). Nocturnal activity. Herpetological Review 44:660-661
Touzot M, Teulier L, Lengagne T, Secondi J, Théry M, Libourel P-A, Guillard L, Mondy N (2019) Artificial light at night disturbs the activity and energy allocation of the common toad during the breeding period. Conservation Physiology 7:coz002
Werner YL, Werner N (2001) An iguanid lizard shamming a house gecko. Herpetological Bulletin 77:28-30
Avila LJ, Morando M (2015) Liolaemus tenuis tenuis (Slender Jewel Lizard). Nocturnal activity. Herpetological Review 46:631
Baker J (1990) Toad aggregations under street lamps. British Herpetological Society Bulletin 31:26-27
Böhme W (2005) Agama agama (Linnaeus, 1758), red-head-ed rock agama, nocturnal activity. African Herp News 38:20-21
Bowersox SR, Calderón S, Cisper G, Garcia RS, Huntington C, Lathrop A, Lenhart L, Parmerlee Jr. JS, Powell R, Queral A., Smith DD, Powell SP, Zippel KC (1994) Miscellaneous natural history notes on amphibians and reptiles from the Dominican Republic. Bulletin of the Chicago Herpetological Society 29:54-55
Brown TW, Arrivillaga C (2017) Nocturnal activity facilitated by artificial lighting in the diurnal Norops sagrei (Squamata: Dactyloidae) on Isla de Flores, Guatemala. Mesoamerican Herpetology 4:637-639
Carretero MA, Sillero N, Lazić MM, Crnobrnja-Isailović J (2012) Nocturnal activity in a Serbian population of Podarcis muralis (Laurenti, 1768). Herpetozoa 25:87-89.
Czarnecka M, Kakareko T, Jermacz Ł, Pawlak R, Kobak J (2019) Combined effects of nocturnal exposure to artificial light and habitat complexity on fish foraging. Science of the Total Environment 684:14-22
Dixon JR, Soini P (1975) The reptiles of the upper Amazon basin, Iquitos region, Peru. I. Lizards and amphisbaenians. Milwaukee Public Museum Contributions in Biology and Geology 4:1-58
Garber SD (1978) Opportunistic feeding behavior of Anolis cristatellus (Iguanidae: Reptilia) in Puerto Rico. Transactions of the Kansas Academy of Sciences 81:79-80
García G, Vences M (2002) Natural history: Phelsuma madagascariensis kochi (Madagascar day gecko). Diet. Herpetological Review 33:53-54
Gaston KJ, Bennie J (2014) Demographic effects of artificial nighttime lighting on animal populations. Environmental Reviews 22:323-330
Gaston KJ, Visser ME, Hölker F (2015) The biological impacts of artificial light at night: the research challenge. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 370:20140133
Güneralp B, McDonald RI, Fragkias M, Goodness J, Marcotullio PJ, Seto KC (2013) Urbanization forecasts, effects on land use, biodiversity, and ecosystem services. In: Elmqvist T, Fragkias M, Goodness J, Güneralp B, Marcotullio PJ, McDonald RI, Parnell S, Schewenius M, Sendstad M, Seto KC, Wilkinson C (eds) Urbanization, biodiversity and ecosystem services: Challenges and opportunities. Springer, Dordrecht, pp 437-452
Henderson RW, Powell R (2001) Responses by the West Indian herpetofauna to human-influenced resources. Caribbean Journal of Science 37:41-54
Hodge KV, Cenksy EJ, Powell R (2003) The reptiles and amphibians of Anguilla, British West Indies. Anguilla National Trust, The Valley
Hoogmoed MS, de Avila-Pires TCS (1989) Observations on the nocturnal activity of lizards in a marshy area in Serra do Navio, Brazil. Tropical Zoology 2:165-173
Hölker F, Wolter C, Perkin EK, Tockner K (2010) Light pollution as a biodiversity threat. Trends in Ecology & Evolution 25:681-682
Howard KG, Parmerlee Jr JS, Powell R (2001) Natural history of the edificarian geckos Hemidactylus mabouia, Thecadactylus rapicauda, and Sphaerodactylus sputator on Anguilla. Caribbean Journal of Science 37:285-288.
Ibáñez R, Jaramillo C, Gutiérrez-Cárdenas P, Rivas G, Caicedo J, Kacoliris F, Pelegrin N (2019) Ameiva ameiva. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2019: Last access: 12 December 2019
Longcore T, Rich C (2004) Ecological light pollution. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 2:191-198
Maurer AS, Thawley CJ, Fireman AL, Giery ST, Stroud JT (2019) Nocturnal activity of Antiguan lizards under artificial light. Herpetological Conservation & Biology 14:105-110
McCoid MJ, Hensley RA (1993) Shifts in activity patterns in lizards. Herpetological Review 24:87-88
Meshaka WE Jr, Butterfield BP, Hauge JB (2004) The exotic amphibians and reptiles of Florida. Krieger, Malabar
Oda FH, Bastos RP, Lima MACS (2009) Taxocenose de anfíbios anuros no Cerrado do Alto Tocantins, Niquelândia, estado de Goiás: diversidade, distribuição local e sazonalidade. Biota Neotropica 9:219-232
Oda FH, Ávila RW, Drummond LO, Santos DL, Gambale PG, Guerra V, Vieira RRS, Vasconcelos TS, Bastos RP, Nomura F (2017) Reptile surveys reveal high species richness in areas recovering from mining activity in the Brazilian Cerrado. Biologia 72: 1194-1210
Owens ACS, Lewis SM (2018) The impact of artificial light at night on nocturnal insects: A review and synthesis. Ecology and Evolution 8:11337-11358
Pauchard A, Aguayo M, Peña E, Urrutia R (2006) Multiple effects of urbanization on the biodiversity of developing countries: The case of a fast-growing metropolitan area (Concepción, Chile). Biological Conservation 127:272-281
Pauwels OSG, Burger M, Guimondou S, Branch WR (2004) Red-headed rock agama: nocturnal activity. African Herp News 37:20-21
Perry G, Fisher RN (2006) Night lights and reptiles: observed and potential effects. In: Rich C, Longcore T (eds) Ecological consequences of artificial night lighting. Island Press, Washington, pp 169-191
Perry G, Buchanan BW, Fisher RN, Salmon M, Wise SE (2008) Effects of artificial night lighting on amphibians and reptiles in urban environments. In: Mitchell JC, Jung-Brown RE, Bartholomew B (eds) Herpetological Conservation, vol. 3. Society for the Study of Amphibians and Reptiles, Salt Lake City, pp 239-256
Piano E, Souffreau C, Merckx T, Baardsen LF, Backeljau T, Bonte D, Brans KI, Cours M, Dahirel M, Debortoli N, Decaestecker E, De Wolf K, Engelen JMT, Fontaneto D, Gianuca AT, Govaert L, Hanashiro FTT, Higuti J, Lens L, Martens K, Matheve H, Matthysen E, Pinseel E, Sablon R, Schön I, Stoks R, Van Doninck K, Van Dyck H, Vanormelingen P, Van Wichelen J, Vyverman W, De Meester L, Hendrickx F (2019) Urbanization drives cross‐taxon declines in abundance and diversity at multiple spatial scales. Global Change Biology (in press)
Powell R, Henderson RW (1992) Natural history: Anolis gingivinus (NCN) Nocturnal activity. Herpetological Review 23:117
Powell R, Henderson RW, Parmerlee JS Jr (2005) The reptiles and amphibians of the Dutch Caribbean; St. Eustacius, Saba, and St. Maarten. St. Eustacius National Parks Foundation, St. Eustacius, Netherlands Antilles
Quesnel VC, Seifan T, Werner N, Werner YL (2002) Field and captivity observations on Gonatodes vittatus (Reptilia: Gekkonomorpha: Sphaerodactylini) in Trinidad and Tobago. Living World, Journal of the Trinidad and Tobago Field Naturalists’ Club 2002:8-18.
Raya-Garcia E (2014) Phrynosoma asio (Giant Horned Lizard) Crepuscular and nocturnal activity. Herpetological Review 45:330-330
Rich C, Longcore T (2006) Ecological consequences of artificial night lighting. Island Press, Washington
Schwartz A, Henderson RW (1991) Amphibians and reptiles of the West Indies: Descriptions, distributions, and natural history. University of Florida Press, Gainesvilleuhum
Simmons PM, Greene BT, Williamson KE, Powell R, Parmerlee Jr. JS (2005) Ecological interactions within a lizard community on Grenada. Herpetologica 61:124-134
Stroud JT, Giery ST (2013) Anolis equestris (Cuban Knight Anole). Nocturnal activity. Herpetological Review 44:660-661
Touzot M, Teulier L, Lengagne T, Secondi J, Théry M, Libourel P-A, Guillard L, Mondy N (2019) Artificial light at night disturbs the activity and energy allocation of the common toad during the breeding period. Conservation Physiology 7:coz002
Werner YL, Werner N (2001) An iguanid lizard shamming a house gecko. Herpetological Bulletin 77:28-30