About Ecotropica?
ECOTROPICA is an international, peer-reviewed, open-access journal, published by the Society for Tropical Ecology – Gesellschaft für Tropenökologie. It covers all fields of research in tropical ecology. ECOTROPICA publishes research articles, short communications and field station profiles; essays addressing current “hot topics” or opinions are published at the discretion of the editors. All articles published in ECOTROPICA are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License, except where otherwise noted. Currently, ECOTROPICA does not charge publication costs to authors.
ISSN 2699-1454 (Online)
What is the Society for Tropical Ecology?
The Society for Tropical Ecology (formerly Gesellschaft für Tropenökologie e.V., gtö) promotes and communicates new and emerging knowledge among tropical ecologists to advance the understanding of tropical ecosystems and their protection. It is currently Europe’s largest scientific association in this field of research with about 500 members.
The aim of the Society for Tropical Ecology, which was founded in 1987, is to further the study and understanding of all aspects of tropical ecology. A primary means toward this scope is through the organization of annual international congresses, usually four days in February in Central Europe. Invited international plenary speakers contribute papers and discussions on selected themes of either outstanding universal topicality or of special relevance to up-to-date issues in tropical ecology in order to promote scientific exchange with the participants, many of which usually are students. The conferences provide an international platform for the exchange of scientific ideas and the establishment of collaborations between members and their guests. The gtö is especially dedicated to fostering junior research and equitable cooperation projects.