About the Journal


ECOTROPICA will cease to produce regular journal issues by the end of 2024 but will continue to publish the conference abstracts of the annual conference of the Society for Tropical Ecology. It will no longer receive manuscripts from March 2024 on. Past issues of the journal remain being available on the webpage of ECOTROPICA.



ECOTROPICA is a biannual refereed and free of charge journal covering all aspects of tropical ecology. Papers reflect results of original research (articles, short communications) or review important fields in tropical ecology.

For past issues until 2014, please visit the webpage of the Society for Tropical Ecology (gtö): www.soctropecol.eu


Current Issue

Vol. 26 No. 1/2 (2024): Ecotropica
View All Issues

Welcome to ECOTROPICA!

Ecotropica is the annual periodica of the Society for Tropical Ecology, gtö. Fur further information regarding the society, please visit the webpage: www.soctropecol.eu 

Your Co-Editors

E. Heymann &  M. Tschapka